We took out the turntable that held the TV. We also took the back off of it.
See where that door opens down right below where the TV went we decided to put a butcher block pull out shelf to mix drinks on.
Mr. Sensible made this butcher block himself using custom Oak strips with Walnut accent strips.
Here it is without its back. You can see at the top we added slots to hang wine glasses. Mr. Sensible has a router bit that cuts these quite nicely. Below the opening we put the butcher block in we put racks for Wine bottles.
14 wine bottles and below that there is space for Liqour bottles and other accesories.
We painted it black and distressed it inside and out.
We put a mirror in the back to make everything sparkle and added a light in the top. We also added holders on each side of the cabinet.
Here it is in all its glory....
Took it to Treasures Resale Consignment Store in Roswell, GA It is SOLD!!